Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP Hair Restoration

The selphyl prp system uses PRP extracted from a small blood draw. The platelets from this process are injected lightly just beneath the skin, supplying the scalp with rich cells that regenerate existing hair follicles. The treatment is comfortable and is great for women and men. There is no downtime and no post-procedural treatments.

PRP Hair Restoration with Microneedling

The selphyl prp system uses PRP extracted from a small blood draw. The platelets from this process are injected lightly just beneath the skin, supplying the scalp with rich cells that regenerate existing hair follicles. The treatment is comfortable and is great for women and men. There is no downtime and no post-procedural treatments.. You will receive 2 full tubes of PRP with this procedure and the 2nd vial will be distributed through the scalp.

PRP Microneedling Facial

PRP is used as the medium microneedling in lieu of manufactured growth factors. You can expect improvements in skin tone, quality and texture. You will be red for 24 hours and notice results in about three weeks. This procedure works best in a series of three but will generate results with each treatment. It is also effective in treating psoriasis or hair loss in the scalp.

PRP Facelift with HA

Filler is used to "lift" some of the deficit structures of the face like the cheeks or the jaw line. 10cc of PRP are then used to complete the PRP facelift portion of the procedure. You will still get the benefits of improved circulation, tone, color, and texture of the skin.

PRP Facelift

10 CC of PRP Injected into various areas of the face to encourage healing, improve blood flow, skin color, tone, and texture. This stimulates deep collage naturally and results can last up to two years. Results can be seen as early as three weeks with twelve total weeks of changes.

PRP Under Eye Correction

Injection of PRP will encourage healing, improved blood flow, and collagen synthesis, helping with dark circles and deep tear troughs. Deanna is trained in cannulating, which prevents damage or bruising to the delicate undereye structures. Two visits are recommended within four weeks of each other. Changes are gradual and appealing. There is no risk for over-correction, as there is with filler.